Saint Monica Hospital
Mother and child ward – 03.05.2024
Last year, with your support, we were able to install the windows on the fourth floor. The masses of water in the rainy season now stay outside. The next step is to start the interior work on the mother and child ward. Plans have been drawn up and a cost projection made; we are currently expecting costs of € 32,000 to create a mother and child ward. To this end, after Father Macha’s 40th anniversary as a priest in November 2023, money was once again diligently collected at the Missio Sunday on March 17. During the church service, pastoral advisor Martin Wunram’s sermon gave the congregation an insight into the current construction progress. At the Lenten meal that followed, the Schmiden festival committee and Baraka worked hand in hand to feed around 70 parishioners. The collection during the church service, the donation box in the Maximilian-Kolbe-Haus and individual donations made directly to Baraka once again raised around € 5,000. A big step that is urgently needed. In recent weeks, the number of births at the hospital has increased. The expectant mothers are taking up the offer of the Kirua Children Care Foundation (KCCF) and with your support we will make progress here step by step.
Update X-ray – 25.02.2024
In the meantime, the defective electronic components have been replaced by a specialist company from Dar es Salaam. Unfortunately, further commissioning could not be completed as the computer for controlling the X-ray machine no longer worked. Subsequent analysis revealed that the computer’s power supply unit was defective. This will now be replaced in the coming weeks so that operation can continue and diagnostics at St. Monica Hospital can be raised to a new level.
Update X-ray, including DONATION CALL!!! – 19.11.2023
After the replacement part was successfully installed by Siemens last year, we had to stop further commissioning of the device until further notice. This decision was necessary because the electricity grid in Tanzania is not stable. This causes two problems.
Firstly, there can be spontaneous power cuts and secondly, there can be fluctuations in the voltage. Neither of these is conducive to life for the sensitive electronics of the X-ray machine. We therefore had to collect donations again to buy and install a stabilizer. Thanks to the generous donation from the parish of St. Johannes Evangelist Fellbach, the stabilizer was purchased and delivered in August. It was then successfully put into operation in September.
Unfortunately, this was the last positive news from Tanzania!
During the further commissioning of the X-ray machine, the technicians discovered that two circuit boards were not supplying the required 24 V voltage. Once again, good advice was expensive, as the original spare parts will cost around €10,000!
Thanks to two generous donations, however, we are now able to procure the spare parts.
Unfortunately, however, the purchase is not the end of the story: transportation, customs and recommissioning will take up another four-figure sum.
Financial resources that we want and need to raise, as we don’t just want to deliver electronic waste to Tanzania.
We very much hope that this will be the last appeal for donations in this matter, as we will build the first school buildings of the Baraka School in 2024 in order to be able to start school operations at the beginning of 2025. We are therefore once again asking for urgent support in the form of a donation to our account:
Baraka – Kinderhilfe Kilimandscharo e.V.
Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE08 6025 0010 0015 1478 24
Purpose: Repair of X-ray machine
Update X-ray spare part – 20.09.2022
The necessary spare part for the X-ray unit has now arrived safely at the hospital. We will now commission the local Siemens representative to install the spare part. After that, the commissioning of the X-ray unit can be continued.
Latest video from Mema School and Saint Monica Hospital
During their visit, they could also participate in a childbirth.
Expansion of X-ray station – status end of june 2022
Now it is done, the X-ray machine has been installed in his room by Siemens technicians. The workstation including PC has also been set up. Furthermore, a new power line was laid to the hospital, which was necessary to ensure the reliable operation of the X-ray machine.
Now it could be called all’s well that ends well, but unfortunately this is not the case. During commissioning and inspection of the electronic components, the Siemens technicians unfortunately noticed a defect in an electronic component. Before the X-ray machine can be switched on, this component must be replaced.
Unfortunately, this component is quite expensive with about 7,000 €. We therefore ask for donations to our account:
Baraka – Kinderhilfe Kilimandscharo e.V.
Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE08 6025 0010 0015 1478 24
Purpose: Reparatur Röntgengerät
Expansion of X-ray station – status mid-April 2022
In March 2022, the structural work was still in full swing. Just under a month later, we can present here the current very attractive condition of the X-ray station.
The next step is to mount the X-ray device to the ceiling construction.
The next update will follow as soon as possible…
Work on the room for the X-ray device – status March 2022
There is still some work to be done before the X-ray device from Ulm, which arrived at the hospital at the end of 2021, can put into operation.
First of all, the large windows had to be bricked up. Then, a floor had to be installed in the room. After that, a ceiling structure had to be created, on which the heavy X-ray equipment would be suspended. So that it can be moved later.
Next, cables for a proper power supply had to be laid.
Hospital impressions – October 2021
In October, Father Macha is on “home leave” in Tanzania of course he also visited the Saint Monica Hospital in Kirua. The pictures show a small current impression of the exterior of the hospital and its beautiful surroundings.
Extraordinary Mission Sunday 2021
Extraordinary Mission Sunday with the title “Come and see” was held under Corona conditions.
The services were enriched with a selection of pictures. Some of them are already here on the homepage, others we would like to show on this occasion.
In the beginning there was a dream. Then there were people who believed in it. People from Verein Rev. Macha, our pastor – people from Tanzania – many people from Fellbach, Schmiden and Oeffingen.
We are all so happy that this dream could be opened and put into operation before Corona.
Now treatments under these conditions are also possible.
But normal hospital operations continue as well.
Many people have been involved so that the dream could become reality, but the necessary support is not yet at an end.
Now an X-ray machine, which is provided by the University Hospital Ulm fully functional, is to be transported to Tanzania. Currently, the device is being packed for transport, just now the necessary container is standing on a yard near us in Oeffingen and is being packed to set off on its journey. There is still a little room for more medical equipment.
Please help with monetary donations and, if necessary, donations in kind! Currently, another aid container can go on the road, if the freight costs can be paid. In addition to the large X-ray machine in mint condition, there would be room for
- further well preserved and functional medical equipment
- medical supplies such as bandages, gloves
- Assistive devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, etc.
We would like to point out that donations of clothing and linen may no longer be sent.
Monetary donations, also for sponsorships, can be transferred to the account of the Fellbach-based sponsoring association Baraka e. V..
A donation receipt will be issued by the association.
A sponsoring membership with the association can be subscribed (20 € annually).
The bank details are:
Baraka – Kinderhilfe Kilimandscharo e. V.
IBAN: DE08 6025 0010 0015 1478 24
BIC: SOLADES1WBN (Kreissparkasse Waiblingen).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Father Macha or the parish office.
We thank you in advance for your helping gift!
The first weeks of treatment
The first weeks of treatment have been completed. The first baby was born, the first inpatients were admitted, the operating area and the birthing room are fully equipped and functional, as is the mortuary, which is available not only to the hospital but also to outsiders and thus represents a small source of income.
At present, there are about 60 employees, working in two shifts to provide 24-hour care.
Every month it is a big challenge to pay the salaries for the employed staff. The income does not cover the expenses by far. Financial support will be necessary for a longer period of time.
The first day of treatment:
Wednesday, 15.01.2020
Expectant and tense, everyone awaited this day – will there be any patients at all, how many, have we thought of everything, have we forgotten nothing, …..?
The surprise and joy was great – more than 100 patients were there, some certainly out of curiosity, but the majority because they had complaints. The personal data were first taken from all of them and the basic examinations were made, in order to proceed with the respective necessary treatment after the first diagnosis.
The patients were very happy and grateful, the staff tired and exhausted, but satisfied. I myself was deeply impressed and infinitely grateful that I was allowed to experience this day.
The time before the first day of treatment
Unfortunately, the start of treatment was delayed because some important things still had to be set in motion. During my stay at the beginning of January 2020, I was able to experience live the last days before the start of treatment. The craftsmen were at work in various places, the treatment and hospital rooms were fully furnished, the computer and IT system was made operational, there was diligent cleaning and the employed staff met for the first meetings.
The mortuary
The ramp is finished
An important milestone has been reached!
From 01 October 2019, the first patients are to be treated in St. Monica. Among other still missing necessities e.g. equipment of the pharmacy with medicines, reagents for the laboratory, analog or digital X-ray machine and other medical equipment, ambulance…. the ramp is a very important requirement. In the past days the roof was covered and when the wooden supports are removed everything is ready!
Inauguration and partial opening on 06.08.2019
by Rev. Dr. Amedeus Macha and Kilimanjaro Regional Commissioner Dr. Anna Mghwira
Ceremonies preparations:
Already a few weeks before the inauguration ceremony, relatives, friends, locals met to prepare the celebration. They collected donations of money and goods (for example, chickens, pigs, a cow, a goat, vegetables, rice, potatoes……), because they were eager to make their contribution.
On the day of the inauguration, before sunrise, they slaughtered directly on the festival site. More and more helpers arrived in the course of the morning to set up, to remove the last traces of the craftsmen who had worked into the night the day before, and to prepare the food, because many guests were expected. Father Macha watched everything with a strict eye and helped wherever it was necessary.
It was very interesting and exciting to observe the colorful, happy hustle and bustle and the increasing activity.
From hour to hour there was more activity, the tension increased…..
At 1 p.m., the inauguration ceremony was supposed to begin, but as is so often the case, respected, important people are kept waiting. Our patience, especially that of the 20 guests from Fellbach, Aachen and Trier was extremely tested, as we did not understand the announcements of the MC (Master of Ceremony).
Finally Dr. Anna Mghwira arrived. Accompanied by the traditional Chagga music group of the village Kirua, she was escorted to the festival area by Pastor Macha. First he led her in a hurry (probably he wanted to make up for the delay) through the hospital building and showed her all the rooms – hospital rooms, maternity ward, operating room, laboratory, pharmacy, computer and IT area, offices, as well as all the medical equipment that was, for example, in our container or that was bought brand new by our association. At this point we would like to thank all the donors who made this possible and all those who actively supported us in packing the container.
After Dr. Mghwira had signed the guest book, the ribbon could finally be cut and Father Macha could bless the hospital, as well as the statue of St. Monica with little Augustine in her arms.
Then all the guests took their seats. There followed the roll call of the guests of honor, songs by the children from the Mema School, a play and some speeches and greetings, some of them long.
After that everyone was very hungry….
During the meal and afterwards there was still time to meet. We German guests were so warmly welcomed by everyone and taken into the African joy and festivity. We will never forget this day! Asante sana!
One day before the opening ceremony on 06.08.2019!
June 10, 2019
The construction of the ramp is progressing very well.
March 2019
The work necessary for the planned partial opening of the hospital is progressing. Construction of the ramp began at the beginning of March.
Around the same time, the sanitary areas such as showers and toilets will also be completed.
Since mid-March 2019, the “Medical waste incinerator” is almost ready. The only thing missing is a protective fence.
August 6, 2019, the partial opening and partial commissioning of the St. Monica Children’s Hospital is planned. This requires registration with the authorities (government and health authority), which will issue the permit. Currently, the work that is still urgently needed for this is being carried out.
- Construction of a ramp
- Construction of a mortuary
- Completion of the sanitary facilities
- Installation of the electrical system and an IT computer system
- Construction of a waste incineration plant (almost completed)