Baraka Pre & Primary English Medium School

Completion 1st class building – 26.03.2024
After almost three months of construction, we are proud to announce that our first classroom building for the Primary English Medium School has been completed!
Now it is time to procure the interior fittings for the three classrooms, as the official opening of the school is planned for the beginning of January 2025. Furthermore, two more classroom buildings with two classrooms each are planned, for the construction of which we are still looking for financial support.

Partial opening of the Primary English Medium School – 13.03.2024
Our preschool already enjoys a very good reputation in the region. We have repeatedly received inquiries from satisfied parents about when the primary school will start operating.
We have therefore decided to teach a first class in January 2024 in a room of the preschool that is not yet in use.
Construction progress 1st class building – 08.03.2024
The buildings are plastered, now the paint can be applied. The result is impressive.

The preschool is well filled – 20.02.2024
While work is being carried out on the school building site, the number of children in the preschool increases to 68.

Construction progress 1st class building – 20.02.2024
Our workers in Tanzania are still very busy, and the shell of the first building has now been completed. Now the adjacent buildings still need to be completed.

Start of construction for the primary school – 03.01.2024
What a Christmas present for us: on December 28, construction work began on the first three classrooms of the primary school. Diligent workers dug the trenches for the foundations.

Work continued diligently over the turn of the year, so that you can already see the dimensions of the building. The first rows of bricks have been laid and progress can be seen every day.

We would like to thank our architect Fredy Ligson, who sent his workers to Karansi to complete the shell before the start of the rainy season in March, and the Verband der Wissenschaftlichen Katholischen Studentenvereine Unitas e.V. for their generous financial support for the further construction of Baraka School.
What are the next steps?
After the preschool has been opened, we have received the first inquiries from parents as to when we will open the school. Furthermore, we would like to enable the children who already attend our preschool a transition to further school education in Karansi.
Therefore we would like to finish the preschool kitchen as soon as possible and start with the construction of the school buildings. All this is only possible if you continue to support us with your donations.
Baraka – Kinderhilfe Kilimandscharo e.V.
Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE08 6025 0010 0015 1478 24
Please indicate the keyword “Spende Baraka Schule” and your complete address in the reason for payment, so that we can issue you a donation receipt. The QR code can be scanned with the online banking app, then you do not need to enter the data!
Construction progress on the preschool kitchen – 25.02.2023
What would a full preschool be without an appropriate kitchen to provide the children in the day care and later in the boarding school with good food?
Therefore we have started with the construction of the kitchen. The pictures show the construction progress of the last weeks. On one of the pictures you can already see the 5000 l water tank, for which a platform will be built in the next weeks in sufficient height to be able to guarantee a safe water supply.

Preschool opening
On 09.01.2023 our new preschool was finally opened. Unfortunately, there was only one child in care at the opening. This has several reasons, on the one hand, some children from the surrounding area still go to other preschools, but they are further away. We hope that parents will re-register their children in our preschool after the contracts have expired. On the other hand, not all parents can afford the fees for preschool attendance. If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please feel free to contact us.
We are happy and grateful that since the beginning of February a total of six children are now attending the preschool.
Now we have to advertise our facility locally, because the preschool building has two rooms waiting for children.
At the moment, no child is sleeping in the completed dormitory, which has separate rooms for about 60 girls and boys.

Construction progress on the preschool buildings – 05.11.2022
Our workers on site have been busy and have given the two buildings a coat of paint and almost finished the interior work. Now the preschool can be opened soon.

The video shows the preschool and school grounds, so there is plenty of room for more buildings.
Construction progress on the preschool building – 19.10.2021
Construction continues at our preschool. The facade has been plastered and the window frames have been installed. Thanks to the donations from Daimler ProCent, the interior work can now begin quickly.

Daimler ProCent – Interior work and furnishing of a school and preschool area with boarding school in Karansi West Kilimanjaro/North Tanzania
In July 2021, we received the funding commitment from Daimler ProCent for the interior construction and furnishing of our school and preschool area. This has made us very happy!
We thank all Daimler employees who were willing to give up a cent of their salary. We would also like to thank Daimler for doubling the employee donation. This made it possible to support our school project with a generous donation.
Soon we will publish new pictures of the expansion.
March 2019:
At the beginning of the month, the construction of the roof of the dormitory began. When the wooden substructure is finished, the roof panels will be installed. Because of the soon expected big rainy season, haste is required. General plan school Karansi

January and February 2019:
The preschool building is now largely finished. The wooden ceiling has been installed, the floor has been poured and the building has been plastered. The only thing missing is the paint job.