Expansion of X-ray station – status end of june 2022
Now it is done, the X-ray machine has been installed in his room by Siemens technicians. The workstation including PC has also been set up. Furthermore, a new power line was laid to the hospital, which was necessary to ensure the reliable operation of the X-ray machine.
Now it could be called all’s well that ends well, but unfortunately this is not the case. During commissioning and inspection of the electronic components, the Siemens technicians unfortunately noticed a defect in an electronic component. Before the X-ray machine can be switched on, this component must be replaced.
Unfortunately, this component is quite expensive with about 7,000 €. We therefore ask for donations to our account:
Baraka – Kinderhilfe Kilimandscharo e.V.
Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE08 6025 0010 0015 1478 24
Purpose: Reparatur Röntgengerät