Update X-ray, including DONATION CALL!!!
After the replacement part was successfully installed by Siemens last year, we had to stop further commissioning of the device until further notice. This decision was necessary because the electricity grid in Tanzania is not stable. This causes two problems.
Firstly, there can be spontaneous power cuts and secondly, there can be fluctuations in the voltage. Neither of these is conducive to life for the sensitive electronics of the X-ray machine. We therefore had to collect donations again to buy and install a stabilizer. Thanks to the generous donation from the parish of St. Johannes Evangelist Fellbach, the stabilizer was purchased and delivered in August. It was then successfully put into operation in September.
Unfortunately, this was the last positive news from Tanzania!
During the further commissioning of the X-ray machine, the technicians discovered that two circuit boards were not supplying the required 24 V voltage. Once again, good advice was expensive, as the original spare parts will cost around €10,000!
Thanks to two generous donations, however, we are now able to procure the spare parts.
Unfortunately, however, the purchase is not the end of the story: transportation, customs and recommissioning will take up another four-figure sum.
Financial resources that we want and need to raise, as we don’t just want to deliver electronic waste to Tanzania.
We very much hope that this will be the last appeal for donations in this matter, as we will build the first school buildings of the Baraka School in 2024 in order to be able to start school operations at the beginning of 2025. We are therefore once again asking for urgent support in the form of a donation to our account:
Baraka – Kinderhilfe Kilimandscharo e.V.
Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE08 6025 0010 0015 1478 24
Purpose: Repair of X-ray machine