Construction progress kindergarten kitchen
We are very happy that we were able to complete the construction of the kitchen.
There are now 12 children regularly attending our preschool.
What are the next steps?
After the preschool has been opened, we have received the first inquiries from parents as to when we will open the school. Furthermore, we would like to enable the children who already attend our preschool a transition to further school education in Karansi.
Therefore we would like to finish the preschool kitchen as soon as possible and start with the construction of the school buildings. All this is only possible if you continue to support us with your donations.
Baraka – Kinderhilfe Kilimandscharo e.V.
Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE08 6025 0010 0015 1478 24
Please indicate the keyword “Spende Baraka Schule” and your complete address in the reason for payment, so that we can issue you a donation receipt. The QR code can be scanned with the online banking app, then you do not need to enter the data!